• Group of men, backs turned to camera, gather around another man, all standing in a greenhouse with rice plants in individual pots Rice Foundation Accepting Applications for 2020 Rice Leadership Development Program

    Jul 10, 2019

    The Rice Foundation is accepting applications for the 2020 Rice Leadership Development Program. Rice producers or industry-related professionals between the ages of 25 and 45 are eligible to apply for the program. The application deadline is September 20. Full story
  • Green combine and grain truck loading harvested rice in yellow field Sustainability Report: Supporting Economies, Creating Jobs, and Giving Back

    Jun 13, 2019

    Sustainability goes beyond environmental benefits: one of the most significant contributions of the U.S. rice industry is economic, because if a sustainability practice doesn’t pay its way on the farm or mill, it’s not truly sustainable. Full story
  • Closeup of Yellow Rail being held in someone Sustainability Report: Enhancing Biodiversity

    Jun 06, 2019

    Before it was cultivated thousands of years ago, rice grew wild in wet, marshy areas rich in biodiversity. Today, rice fields are a crucial refuge for many species of birds, fish, amphibians, and even mammals who have lost their habitat to development and coastal erosion, providing approximately 700,000 acres that nature conservationists would be loath to see growing other crops. Full story
  • Rows of blue solar panels in a green field with grain bins in the background Sustainability Report: Energy Use and Air Quality

    May 30, 2019

    The benefits of sustainability measures are not always visible to the naked eye and that’s why the U.S. Rice Industry Sustainability Report is so important—it quantifies and catalogs the great strides rice farmers have made in air quality and energy since 1980, and the innovations they continue to make. Full story
  • Two farmers wearing hip boots and ballcaps stand in flooded field pulling on metal gate Sustainability Report: Water Use and Water Quality

    May 23, 2019

    The rice industry is doing more than any other crop to advance sustainable water technologies. For more details, data, and stories that illustrate how seriously rice farmers take water stewardship, check out the U.S. Rice Industry Sustainability Report. Full story
  • Man wearing yellow shirt, sunglasses and ballcap stands in large field of golden rice, palming rice heads Sustainability Report: Land Use and Soil Conservation

    May 16, 2019

    Just because rice farmers were already the best in the soil business didn’t mean that they couldn’t find ways to improve. Over the course of 36 years of data, soil erosion on U.S. rice farms decreased by 28 percent, and rice consistently demonstrates the lowest per-acre soil erosion of any major crop. Full story
  • Moving truck with white cab and yellow body with text "Road Show" on blue background Sharing the Sustainability Story Far and Wide

    May 09, 2019

    The U.S. Rice Industry Sustainability Report is live and available to the public after two long years of research, collaboration, and boots-on-the-ground work from farmers and millers across the country and USA Rice’s sustainability team. But the effort is far from over, and now it’s time to take the report on the road for its grand tour to get the message out. Full story