Nearly 50% of the U.S. rice crop is exported to more than 120 countries worldwide.  Companies that are interested in exporting U.S. rice should refer to the specific importing requirements of the destination country including but not limited to phytosanitary protocols and import licenses. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Phytosanitary Certificate Issuance & Tracking System (PCIT) allows you to create and submit applications for phytosanitary certificates for the purpose of exporting agricultural commodities. 

The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of USDA staffs 95 offices in 74 countries around the world. FAS Foreign Service Officers (FSO) and Locally-Employed Staff (LES) — while not maintaining a physical presence — also monitor and report on the agricultural trade matters of an additional 99 countries. These employees disseminate trade information to exporters and importers. Staff in these offices can explain some of the U.S. government export and market promotion programs which could be beneficial to traders.
USDA Programs Available to Assist with Exports:
Export Credit Guarantee Programs
The GSM-102 program provides credit guarantees to encourage financing of commercial exports of U.S. agricultural products. By reducing financial risk to lenders, credit guarantees encourage exports to buyers in countries — mainly developing countries — that have sufficient financial strength to have foreign exchange available for scheduled payments. GSM-102 covers credit terms of up to 18 months; maximum terms may vary by country. For FY2018, nearly $5 million GSM-102 allocations were made available.

For more information, visit USDA's web page on the Export Credit Guarantee Program.
Quality Samples Program (QSP)
QSP participants obtain commodity samples, export them and provide the recipient with guidance on how to use the samples. When a project is finished, USDA reimburses the participant for the costs of procuring and transporting the sample. QSP projects should benefit an entire industry or commodity rather than a specific company or product. Projects should focus on developing a new market or promoting a new use for the U.S. product.

For more information, visit USDA's web page on the Quality Samples Program.

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