Rice farmers make long-term decisions based on many factors, some including uncertain market conditions and adverse weather.  As a tool for making effective and lasting choices with these factors in mind, farmers use risk management provisions provided through the Farm Bill, such as commodity support programs and crop insurance. 

The current Farm Bill provides a modest safety-net for farmers who must contend with depressed prices, increased costs of production, thin margins, and revenue losses due to natural disasters.

Recent News

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    Jan 09, 2018

    During the recent American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Convention here, President Zippy Duvall convened a special meeting for a select group of nationally recognized commodity and farm organizations to facilitate dialogue around the wide array of farm bill priorities and to identify common ground among the diverse group. USA Rice was among the exclusive list of participants, along with executives from every major commodity organization, presidents of state farm bureau chapters, and Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS), as well as staff from Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue’s office. Full story
  • USDA Logo WASDE Report Released

    Dec 12, 2017

    Total 2017/18 U.S. rice supplies are increased marginally this month to 248.9 million cwt as higher projected imports (primarily Thai fragrant rice) offset slightly lower production. In the November Crop Production report, NASS reduced the 2017/18 U.S. crop size by 200,000 cwt to 178.4 million on lower forecast yield. This is 20 percent less than last year and would be the lowest U.S. rice production since 1996/97. Full story
  • Rice being loaded onto a rail car at Southern Louisiana Rail Facility Underreporting of Rice Exports Cause for Concern

    Dec 05, 2017

    In a recent meeting with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), USA Rice members heard an update on export sales reporting - a federal requirement for exporters of specific commodities, including rice. On a weekly basis, exporters are mandated to report any contract for export sales entered into or subsequently modified during the reporting period. Full story