Rice farmers make long-term decisions based on many factors, some including uncertain market conditions and adverse weather.  As a tool for making effective and lasting choices with these factors in mind, farmers use risk management provisions provided through the Farm Bill, such as commodity support programs and crop insurance. 

The current Farm Bill provides a modest safety-net for farmers who must contend with depressed prices, increased costs of production, thin margins, and revenue losses due to natural disasters.

Recent News

  • Farm Service Agency Logo August 1st Deadline for ARC/PLC Enrollment

    Jul 22, 2016

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture is reminding all farmers to enroll their farms in the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) or Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs before the deadline of August 1 to be eligible for 2016 crop year payments. Full story
  • USDA Logo WASDE Report Released

    Jul 12, 2016

    U.S. 2016/17 all rice supplies are raised 12 million cwt to 309.9 million on a production increase that is partially offset by lower beginning stocks. Full story
  • USDA Announces 235M for RCPP WASDE Report Released

    May 10, 2016

    U.S. 2016/17 all rice production is forecast at 231 million cwt, up 38.7 million cwt from the previous year and the largest since 2010/11. The increase reflects larger area and a higher yield. Long grain harvested area is forecast at 2.4 million acres, up 32 percent from the previous year and the largest in six years. Combined medium- and short-grain harvested area is forecast at 60,000 acres, down 17 percent from 2015/16 due to a sharp reduction in southern medium-grain planted area. The yield increase for both classes of rice reflects a return to trend. Total U.S. 2016/17 all rice supplies are forecast to increase 13 percent from the previous year. Long grain supplies are up, while medium- and short-grain supplies are down. Full story