Rice farmers make long-term decisions based on many factors, some including uncertain market conditions and adverse weather.  As a tool for making effective and lasting choices with these factors in mind, farmers use risk management provisions provided through the Farm Bill, such as commodity support programs and crop insurance. 

The current Farm Bill provides a modest safety-net for farmers who must contend with depressed prices, increased costs of production, thin margins, and revenue losses due to natural disasters.

Recent News

  • NASS logo Annual Crop Projection Report Released

    Jan 12, 2016

    Production in 2015 is estimated at 192 million cwt, up less than 1 percent from the previous forecast but down 13 percent from the revised 2014 total. Planted area for 2014 is estimated at 2.61million acres, down 12 percent from 2014. Area harvested, at 2.58 million acres, is also down 12 percent from the previous crop year. Full story
  • USDA Logo WASDE Report Released

    Jan 12, 2016

    The U.S. 2015/16 all rice crop is projected at 192.3 million cwt, up 1.6 million from last month. Long-grain production is up 700,000 cwt to 133 million, and medium- and short-grain is raised 900,000 cwt to 59.3 million. The all rice production increase stems from both higher harvested area and yield. The all rice yield increased 47 pounds per acre to 7,470, and harvested area increased 5,000 acres to 2.58 million. Full story
  • USDA Updates USA Rice Farmers on Farm Bill Implementation

    Dec 10, 2015

    This morning the Board of Directors for the USA Rice Farmers representing rice farmers from all six rice-growing states heard a number of updates from Brad Karmen, Deputy Administrator for Farm Programs for USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA). Full story