Rice farmers make long-term decisions based on many factors, some including uncertain market conditions and adverse weather.  As a tool for making effective and lasting choices with these factors in mind, farmers use risk management provisions provided through the Farm Bill, such as commodity support programs and crop insurance. 

The current Farm Bill provides a modest safety-net for farmers who must contend with depressed prices, increased costs of production, thin margins, and revenue losses due to natural disasters.

Recent News

  • 2014 Farm Bill Decision Aid Demos in Arkansas This Week

    Feb 02, 2015

    LITTLE ROCK -- Farmers are racing to beat the clock and learn as much as they can about the 2014 Farm Bill in order to make critical decisions to meet upcoming deadlines. Full story
  • USA Rice Offers Assessment of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments

    Dec 01, 2014

    ARLINGTON, VA -- At the request of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the USA Rice Federation recently submitted information to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Pollinator Health Task Force on the value of a class of seed treatments used on rice seeds. The seed treatment in question is neonicotinoids, a class of insecticides introduced two decades ago and adopted by farmers around the world because of their effectiveness in controlling harmful and destructive crop pests. Full story