Rice farmers make long-term decisions based on many factors, some including uncertain market conditions and adverse weather.  As a tool for making effective and lasting choices with these factors in mind, farmers use risk management provisions provided through the Farm Bill, such as commodity support programs and crop insurance. 

The current Farm Bill provides a modest safety-net for farmers who must contend with depressed prices, increased costs of production, thin margins, and revenue losses due to natural disasters.

Recent News

  • House Farm Bill Conferees Named

    Jul 23, 2018

    House members appointed to the farm bill conference committee were announced this week. Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) named 29 Republicans and 18 Democrats to the committee, respectively, a total of 47 lawmakers. Full story
  • WASDE Report Released

    Jul 12, 2018

    U.S. 2018/19 all rice supplies are increased this month by 4.8 million cwt to 272.3 million as higher production more than offsets reduced beginning stocks. Rice production increased by 9.8 million cwt to 213 million as the NASS Acreage report indicated greater rice area for both long-grain and medium- and short-grain than previously forecast. Full story
  • GA-Boozman Game of Inches Senate Farm Bill Advances with Harmful Provision for Family Farms

    Jun 29, 2018

    Yesterday, the Senate passed its version of the Farm Bill, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (H.R. 2, as amended), by a vote of 86-11. The bill includes provisions that would be detrimental to family farms if enacted by law. Full story