The rice industry prides itself on its commitment to the conservation of natural resources and the institution of practices that provide habitat to wetland dependent wildlife and waterfowl. Working lands programs are good for the environment and for rice farmers. The voluntary-incentive based conservation model used by the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) has worked well. 

Rice farmers have been able to significantly improve their environmental footprint through practices implemented through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). This program has provided rice farmers funds to better manage water resources through irrigation efficiency, water quality, and erosion control. For more information on our work through this program click here.

Recent News

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    Mar 22, 2019

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  • Re-Lift pump on irrigation canal in foreground, canal stretches out to grove of trees in background RCPP Deadlines Approaching for Texas and Louisiana

    Mar 07, 2019

    Rice producers in Texas have until March 15 to apply for a special Regional Conservation Partnership (RCPP) Environmental Quality Incentives (EQIP) program, while rice producers in Louisiana have until April 19 to apply for two RCPP EQIP programs. Full story
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    Feb 14, 2019

    One would be hard-pressed to find a bigger supporter of U.S. agriculture than USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue. His Trade Counsel, Jason Hafemeister, is probably the biggest booster for ag trade, and last week in remarks to USA Rice’s Government Affairs Conference here he explained why. Full story