USA Rice supports the use of sound science to evaluate new and existing crop protection tools and for evaluating whether and under what circumstances, a biological entity is threatened or endangered. 

Being good stewards of the land includes being good stewards of crop protection tools available for controlling damaging weeds, insects, and disease by using a variety of products and crop rotation to prevent resistance. Effective resistance management relies on the availability of crop protection options that give farmers the ability to not overuse a single product. 

Recent News

  • GA-Woe to US Today-150828 North Dakota Court on WOTUS: "Whoa" to EPA

    Aug 28, 2015

    The Clean Water Rule: Definition of 'Waters of the United States, better known as Waters of the U.S. or WOTUS, has been sidelined by a federal judge in theU.S. District Court of North Dakota who called the measure "exceptionally expansive." Full story
  • EPA logo EPA Sets New Threshold for SPCC Rule

    Jul 23, 2015

    Recently the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Emergency Management released the findings of a study to determine the aggregate aboveground oil storage capacity threshold for farms subject to the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC). Full story
  • IARC Classifies 2, 4-D as Possible Carcinogen

    Jul 06, 2015

    Last week the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) listed the pesticide 2,4-D as a "2B-possible" carcinogen. Full story