We support trade agreements that provide commercially meaningful and significant improvements in market access for U.S. rice while maintaining the appropriate safety net for U.S. producers that include equal market access for all types and forms of rice.

The Market Access Program (MAP), Foreign Market Development (FMD) Program, and the Agricultural Trade Promotion Program (ATP) help the rice industry open foreign markets and promote our products abroad and have a proven track record of success in more than 30 overseas markets.  Learn more about our key export markets here

Recent News

  • Colombia to Remove Import Restrictions on U.S. Rough Rice

    Mar 01, 2017

    The Colombian government informed the United States in early February that it has begun the process of removing existing restrictions on the import of U.S. paddy rice. USA Rice was informed of this positive news by USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) recently. Full story
  • Keith-Glover being interviewed, holding USA Rice microphone WMP Subcommittee Closes Out Government Affairs Conference

    Feb 24, 2017

    USA Rice’s World Market Price Subcommittee met on February 16, marking the unofficial last meeting of the 2017 Government Affairs Conference. “We meet in Washington, DC three times a year, and our February session benefits from several previous days of meetings with congressional and administration officials,” said Subcommittee Chairman Keith Glover of Producers’ Rice Mill in Stuttgart, Arkansas. Full story
  • Korea Policy to Decrease Rice Plantings and Dispose of Excess Stocks

    Feb 22, 2017

    Due to higher than normal yield for the past few years and the resulting oversupply and price pressure, the Korean government is attempting to reach a balance between rice supply and demand by 2018. The plan entails seeking a gradual reduction in harvested area and promoting expanded rice consumption. Full story