We support trade agreements that provide commercially meaningful and significant improvements in market access for U.S. rice while maintaining the appropriate safety net for U.S. producers that include equal market access for all types and forms of rice.

The Market Access Program (MAP), Foreign Market Development (FMD) Program, and the Agricultural Trade Promotion Program (ATP) help the rice industry open foreign markets and promote our products abroad and have a proven track record of success in more than 30 overseas markets.  Learn more about our key export markets here

Recent News

  • Impact of “Brexit” on Rice Remains Unclear

    Jul 28, 2016

    Last month, the United Kingdom voted in a nationwide referendum to leave the European Union. Referred to as “Brexit,” this event has cast a shadow of uncertainty across global markets and left many wondering how it will affect U.S. trade interests. The impact of Brexit on U.S. rice exports to both the EU and the UK is unclear at this time, and analysts see scenarios that could grow U.S. rice exports, but also less positive outcomes. Full story
  • Keith Glover being interviewed, holding USA Rice microphone USA Rice Celebrates Centennial of the U.S. Warehouse Act

    Jul 19, 2016

    Last week, USA Rice helped to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the U.S. Warehouse Act, a piece of legislation that authorizes the critically important structure for protecting and assuring producers and their lenders of proper crop production storage. Full story
  • U.S. and Iraq Sign Rice MOU

    Jul 13, 2016

    This morning U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Stuart Jones signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Iraq's Trade Minister Salman al-Jumayli that provides new opportunities for U.S. rice to be purchased for the food ration system here. Full story