We support trade agreements that provide commercially meaningful and significant improvements in market access for U.S. rice while maintaining the appropriate safety net for U.S. producers that include equal market access for all types and forms of rice.

The Market Access Program (MAP), Foreign Market Development (FMD) Program, and the Agricultural Trade Promotion Program (ATP) help the rice industry open foreign markets and promote our products abroad and have a proven track record of success in more than 30 overseas markets.  Learn more about our key export markets here

Recent News

  • U.S., Taiwan Hold First Rice Technical Meeting

    Apr 28, 2016

    The Taiwanese government’s Agriculture and Food Agency (AFA) hosted a U.S. rice industry delegation Thursday for the inaugural joint technical meeting. "We are pleased to be in Taiwan and appreciate AFA'S support for this meeting," said Alex Balafoutus, chair of the U.S. delegation and vice president at PGP International in Woodland, California. Full story
  • Dow-Brantley,-headshot Chairman Brantley’s Message on Cuba Reaches “The Hill”

    Apr 27, 2016

    This morning’s edition of The Hill, a prominent print and online news source utilized by Congressional offices and other politic-centric organizations, featured an op-ed penned by USA Rice Chairman Dow Brantley. Full story
  • ITP-Elena-Kitchen-Sign-with-USA-Rice-Logo-160426 USA Rice Checks In with Korea Market

    Apr 26, 2016

    USA Rice met with several key rice groups yesterday to review the Korean market, promotion activities, and long-term market access. Full story