We support trade agreements that provide commercially meaningful and significant improvements in market access for U.S. rice while maintaining the appropriate safety net for U.S. producers that include equal market access for all types and forms of rice.

The Market Access Program (MAP), Foreign Market Development (FMD) Program, and the Agricultural Trade Promotion Program (ATP) help the rice industry open foreign markets and promote our products abroad and have a proven track record of success in more than 30 overseas markets.  Learn more about our key export markets here

Recent News

  • President Trump Announces U.S.-Mexico Trade Agreement

    Aug 28, 2018

    After months of negotiations, President Trump announced today that the United States and Mexico had reached a new trade agreement that he would like to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Full story
  • Retaliatory Tariffs by Turkey Include U.S. Rice

    Aug 20, 2018

    In the latest chapter of an escalating diplomatic and economic dispute, Turkey announced yet more retaliatory tariffs against the United States last week, targeting rice as well as other U.S. exports, and initiated a lawsuit with the World Trade Organization (WTO) in response to President Trump’s decision to further raise tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Turkey. Full story
  • Grassroots Lobbying: If You See Someone, Say Something

    Aug 16, 2018

    With Members of the House of Representatives back in their home districts for the August recess, this is the chance for constituents to visit with them to voice concerns, share priorities, and hear updates from Washington. The ag industry will be out in force to make sure lawmakers hear what’s on their minds – and that is trade and the new Farm Bill. Full story