USA Rice Outlook Conference

December 8 – 10, 2024  |  Little Rock, AR


Register to attend by Oct.18
for the lowest rate.
Book your room by Nov. 8
for the special rate. 
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About the Conference

The Outlook Conference is North America's premier rice event.  Over three days in December, farmers, millers, merchants, agri-businesses, government agencies, end-users, suppliers, academics, and other industry affiliates gather to network, participate in educational programming, and plan for the coming crop year.

One of the most dynamic features of the Outlook Conference is the trade show, where exhibiting companies are excited to connect with you!  Engage with exhibitors and learn about the latest and greatest products, services, and innovations that can help your business operation. 

Green John Deere combine harvesting rice
Sign-up for risk management training session at  2017 USA Rice Outlook Conference
Nov 27, 2017
ARLINGTON, VA -- USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) provides funding for organizations in the form of cooperative agreements to provide education and training nationwide.  Earlier this year RMA awarded 52 cooperative agreements under the Risk Management Education Partnerships Program, and The Rice Foundation was one of nine first-time award recipients.
The Rice Foundation entered into a cooperative agreement with RMA in September to support the agency’s education efforts in the area of Mitigating financial risk for specialty variety and organic producers through training in Crop Insurance, Whole Farm Revenue Protection, Prevented Planting, and Record Keeping for Organic Crops.  

The program will start with an education seminar at the USA Rice Outlook Conference in San Antonio, Texas, on December 12, entitled Crop Insurance 101 for Organic and Specialty Rice Producers.  The Rice Foundation will continue educational outreach throughout 2018 at various state and county rice meetings where there will be one-on-one contact with growers.
“RMA is pleased to provide this type of educational support to farmers and rural America to help mitigate risk,” says Heather Manzano, Acting Administrator, Risk Management Agency.  “These programs will provide information on Crop Insurance 101, Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP), and Rainfall Index Insurance.”
“I see this activity as a natural for The Rice Foundation,” said Foundation Chairman Charley Matthews, a rice farmer from Marysville, California.  “I’m proud that we are partnering with RMA to leverage our joint resources to educate growers about the importance of crop insurance, especially to specialty and organic producers.” 

Persons requiring special accommodations or having any dietary restrictions to attend or participate in this conference should contact Jeanette Davis at (240) 682-0059, or e-mail no later than November 29, 2024.

USA Rice is an equal opportunity provider and employer.  USA Rice does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital/family status or political beliefs.