NRCS Extends Deadline for CSP Sign-Ups

Feb 25, 2015
WASHINGTON, DC -- The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is offering a renewal option through Tuesday, March 31, 2015 for eligible growers with expiring Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) contracts.  These producers must be willing to adopt additional conservation activities aimed at helping them achieve higher levels of conservation on their farms, forests and ranches.

USDA will also extend the deadline for general sign-up CSP applications until Friday, March 13, 2015 providing farmers two additional weeks to apply for this funding round of $100 million.

"CSP producers are established conservation leaders who work hard at enhancing natural resources on private lands," NRCS Chief Jason Weller said.  "This contract renewal period will provide greater opportunities for these conservation stewards to voluntarily do even more to improve water, air and soil quality and enhance wildlife habitat on their operations.  By extending the deadline for general sign-up applications, we are ensuring that landowners will be able to take advantage of a program that will enroll up to 7.7 million acres this year."

"We're appreciative that the deadline has been extended," said Ben Mosely, USA Rice Federation vice president of government affairs.  "Growers are staring down a lot of deadlines right now for various farm programs, this extra breathing room will help."

Weller said growers can learn more about CSP contract renewals by visiting their local NRCS office or the Conservation Stewardship Program webpage.

Contact:  Michael Klein (703) 236-1458

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