Louisiana Farm Broadcaster Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Delta Farm Press Don-Molino- receives Lifetime-Achievement-Award shaped like an old fashioned microphone
Molino flanked by award presenters Miss Louisiana Justine Ker and Tim Brando of Fox Sports
Mar 27, 2017
BATON ROUGE, LA -- Long-time Louisiana farm radio and television broadcaster Don Molino received the Radio Lifetime Achievement award from the Louisiana Association of Broadcasters (LAB) Tuesday.

Molino has been a staple on radio stations across Louisiana for 35 years with the Louisiana Radio Network.  He also co-hosted the weekly television show "This Week in Louisiana Agriculture" for nearly 10 years.

His voice is instantly recognizable and has been a trusted source of information for farmers across the state.

"Don Molino is national quality, and he's been been part of the culture and the fabric of our state for almost four decades," said Jim Engster, owner and president of the Louisiana Radio Network.

Engster is quick to point out that Molino's career started in the major market of Dallas - Ft. Worth, but he instead chose to settle down in Louisiana.

"We hear him, we know him and we love him, but we don't often appreciate the fact that Don could have gone in any number of ways in his career," Engster said.  "He chose to go in our direction, and we have benefited immensely from the fact that he made that choice."

Molino is also known to the rice industry beyond Louisiana for his work as one of the emcees at the annual USA Rice Outlook Conference, the largest rice specific conference in North America.

“Don is not just a silky smooth voice to us,” said Michael Klein, USA Rice vice president of marketing & communications.  “His knowledge of the industry and deep understanding of what growers are facing makes him a valued part of the programming at our conference each year.”

The award was presented during LAB's annual Prestige Awards ceremony at the L'Auberge Casino Hotel in Baton Rouge.