USA Rice Participates in Cancer Prevention Month

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Feb 01, 2018
ARLINGTON, VA -- February 1 marks the start of Cancer Prevention Month and in that spirit USA Rice has partnered with the American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) to support their month-long awareness campaign and share the message of prevention.  

Throughout the month, USA Rice will share information across social media platforms using the hashtag #cancerprevention with the hope of engaging and empowering Americans to take daily lifestyle steps to lower cancer risks.  USA Rice joins thirty-six other organizational partners in support of AICR’s initiative.

“We support every aspect of this awareness campaign,” said Michael Klein, USA Rice vice president of marketing and communications.  “Research shows that rice and whole grain consumption can play a critical role in maintaining a healthy weight and diet, both of which help to decrease individuals’ cancer risks.  USA Rice’s research and information combined with all of the campaign partners’ resources will make this a truly impactful and informative campaign.”

“We are so pleased to have USA Rice join us as a partner in this effort,” said Deirdre McGinley-Gieser, AICR senior vice president of programs and strategic.  “Nutrition and food based partners add another dimension to this campaign, serving as both a resource of information to our network and also increasing the distribution of AICR prevention messaging.”

For more information about the Cancer Prevention Month awareness campaign and to view all of the AICR campaign partners, visit and be sure to use #cancerprevention for your relevant social media posts this month.