ARLINGTON, VA – USA Rice deploys a network of Registered Dietitians (RD) to accomplish multiple goals: promote the dietary importance and healthy benefits associated with rice consumption, create and share nutritious recipes featuring domestic rice across their social networks, and position USA Rice as the leader in rice nutrition information.
Halfway through the program year, the RD program has yielded impressive results. The seven RD influencers garnered 6.1M total impressions during the 2024-2025 winter season. In total the program has yielded 11.3M consumer impressions while developing 14 new healthy rice recipes. “Impressions" refers to the total number of times posts, stories, or ads are displayed to users, regardless of whether they clicked or interacted with them and indicate the potential views the content has received.
Each RD was tasked with creating and photographing unique, nutrition-focused rice recipes and sharing posts on their blogs and social media platforms. Each post included USA Rice messaging alongside key nutritional benefits of the specific U.S.-grown rice variety featured.
“This program is so effective because we have real accredited experts explaining the nutritional importance of rice in our diets and answering nutrition questions directly to consumers, all while sharing approachable rice recipes that work for a range of different diets,” said Cameron Jacobs, USA Rice vice president of domestic promotion. “Our RDs are also both personally and professionally passionate about domestic rice. That authenticity really resonates with consumers and provides added value to USA Rice.”
During the winter reporting period, seven original U.S.-grown rice-based recipes were posted and amplified by USA Rice social accounts: a Sweet Potato and Kale Rice Casserole with long grain, Bold Basmati Egg and Avocado Scramble, Eggnog Rice Pudding with short grain white rice, Crispy Black Pepper Tofu Rice Bowls with both long grain and short grain rice, Stuffed Peppers with California wild rice, Red Curry Soup with medium grain white rice, and Kung Pao Chicken Meatballs with jasmine rice.
In addition to the direct impact of the nutrition influencer program, USA Rice has ownership of all the created digital assets and the new recipes are available on the
Think Rice recipe database.