• U.S., Taiwan Hold First Rice Technical Meeting

    Apr 28, 2016

    The Taiwanese government’s Agriculture and Food Agency (AFA) hosted a U.S. rice industry delegation Thursday for the inaugural joint technical meeting. "We are pleased to be in Taiwan and appreciate AFA'S support for this meeting," said Alex Balafoutus, chair of the U.S. delegation and vice president at PGP International in Woodland, California. Full story
  • IP-Double 8 Rice-160427 Lucky U.S. Long Grain Rice Brand Launches in UK

    Apr 27, 2016

    A new U.S. long grain rice brand, called ‘Double 8,’ has launched in the UK initially in the Chinese wholesaler chain, Wing Yip. With four main stores across the UK selling more than 4,500 products, Wing Yip caters specifically to the sizeable Chinese/Asian communities here. Double 8 was developed by Riceworks, a UK company that sells quality rice products with a strong commitment to U.S. grown rice. Full story
  • Dow-Brantley,-headshot Chairman Brantley’s Message on Cuba Reaches “The Hill”

    Apr 27, 2016

    This morning’s edition of The Hill, a prominent print and online news source utilized by Congressional offices and other politic-centric organizations, featured an op-ed penned by USA Rice Chairman Dow Brantley. Full story
  • ITP-Elena-Kitchen-Sign-with-USA-Rice-Logo-160426 USA Rice Checks In with Korea Market

    Apr 26, 2016

    USA Rice met with several key rice groups yesterday to review the Korean market, promotion activities, and long-term market access. Full story
  • USDA Grants $332 Million for Conservation Easements

    Apr 26, 2016

    Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced this week that the U.S. Department of Agriculture will provide $332 million in financial and technical assistance through the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP). The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) accepts ACEP applications on a rolling basis, but to receive funding in fiscal year 2015 you must submit by May 15, 2015. Full story
  • USA Rice Touts Sustainability Record at SIAL Canada

    Apr 25, 2016

    The 13th edition of SIAL Canada, the North American food innovation exhibition, was held here this month attracting more than 15,000 visitors. USA Rice participated in this trade show that showcased 850 exhibitors from 60 countries through the U.S. Sustainability Alliance (USSA). Full story
  • USA Rice Conducts Promotions in Superstores throughout Turkey

    Apr 22, 2016

    Following last year's successful promotions here, USA Rice again teamed up with CarrefourSA, a major hypermarket chain with more than 756 stores throughout the country, to organize events to promote U.S. rice brands and increase sales of U.S. rice. Full story
  • Rice Farmer of the Year Jimmy Hoppe 2016 Rice Awards Application Open

    Apr 22, 2016

    USA Rice, in conjunction with Horizon Ag and Rice Farming magazine, is seeking nominations for the 2016 Rice Awards to recognize rice leaders who exemplify dedication, determination, and innovation to the industry. Full story
  • Da Vinci Rice Now Kosher for Passover

    Apr 21, 2016

    Kosher dietary laws are pretty strict, dictating what observant Jews are allowed to eat and what they are not, and they get even stricter during Passover, the annual weeklong Jewish holiday that commemorates the Jews’ flight from Egypt and features two ceremonial feasts, or “seders.” (By the way, one of the most famous Passover seders of all time is also known as the Last Supper.) Full story
  • TX-Flooding, Farm view Field Report: Texas

    Apr 20, 2016

    Early Monday morning rice farmers here and in other areas of southeast Texas awoke to find their crops underwater after a historic rainfall devastated the area. Rice farmer and cattle rancher Raymond Dollins reported the flooding is so severe that he and his wife can’t use their vehicles and are relying on their tractor just to get around their property. Full story
  • Agriculture Funding Bill Advances in House

    Apr 20, 2016

    On Tuesday, the House Committee on Appropriations spent the majority of the day debating a number of amendments and eventually approving the Fiscal Year 2017 funding bill for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies. Full story
  • USA Rice Sponsors Event Launching Trade Mission for Cubans

    Apr 19, 2016

    Last night, USA Rice co-sponsored an event launching a week-long trade mission for Alimport, the Cuban food and agricultural trade agency. Delegates will visit Maryland, Missouri, and Louisiana during the trip to tour important areas of U.S. agricultural production and transportation. Their itinerary also includes a stop in New Orleans for a lunch hosted by Russell Marine Group that many key U.S. rice exporters will attend. Full story
  • Legendary TV Chef Visits Rice Country

    Apr 18, 2016

    It often feels like TV celebrity chefs are a dime a dozen – most morning news programs have one in residence, and there are at least two 24 hour food and cooking networks overflowing with culinary personalities. And while they all have some unique take on their craft, few have a résumé like Sara Moulton who recently filmed an episode of her show on a rice farm here. Full story
  • Death, Taxes, and Crop Protection Deadlines

    Apr 15, 2016

    It’s a busy time of year with rice planting underway in areas where the weather is cooperating. It’s also an important time of year to be thinking about the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs and what you need to be doing to ensure your farm is up-to-date and in compliance to maintain program eligibility and maximize protection. Full story
  • Farm Bureau’s Duvall Sees a United Ag as Key to Success

    Apr 15, 2016

    The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) elected Georgia’s Vincent “Zippy” Duvall as its new president earlier this year. USA Rice President & CEO Betsy Ward joined other agricultural leaders in welcoming President Duvall to the Washington food and agricultural community at a lunch in his honor yesterday. Full story
  • ADM Rice Sells 90,000 Metric Tons of Rice to Iraq

    Apr 14, 2016

    The U.S. was successful in the latest Iraqi tender, finalized this afternoon, selling 90,000 MT of long grain rice. Full story
  • Chef Contest Features U.S. Rice

    Apr 13, 2016

    The U.S. Embassy’s Agriculture Trade Office conducted the second in a series of hands-on cooking contests, called the United Tastes of America Asian Competition, at the Hattori Nutrition College last month. Five teams, consisting of two chefs each, from Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei, Seoul, and Tokyo who won in a competition held in each city beforehand, participated. Full story
  • U.S. House’s Cuba Working Group Hears Ag Trade Benefits

    Apr 12, 2016

    Yesterday, the Cuba Working Group, a bipartisan group of U.S. House Members supporting efforts to end the Cuban trade and travel ban hosted a briefing for Congressional staff to highlight opportunities for U.S. agriculture that would result from bilateral trade between the U.S. and Cuba. Full story
  • USDA Logo WASDE Report Released

    Apr 12, 2016

    U.S. 2015/16 rice supplies are lowered 500,000 cwt on lower long-grain imports. Long-grain ending stocks are lowered 500,000 cwt to 22.5 million. All rice ending stocks are now 43.4 million cwt. The all rice and long-grain season-average prices are each lowered $0.30 per cwt at the midpoint to $12.30 to $12.70 and $10.80 to $11.20, respectively. Medium- and short-grain prices are also down with the California price lowered $0.50 per cwt at the midpoint and the Other States price lowered $0.20 per cwt at the midpoint. Full story
  • Arkansas Leaders Pledge Support for Cuba

    Apr 11, 2016

    This morning, a group of the top business leaders in Arkansas gathered here at the Capital Hotel to officially launch the Arkansas State Council for Cuba sponsored by USA Rice and Engage Cuba. Full story

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