• Mexico Re-imposing Import Duty on Asian Milled Rice

    Dec 11, 2014

    MEXICO CITY, MEXICO -- Yesterday, the Government of Mexico (GOM) announced a re-imposition of a 20 percent duty on Asian rice to begin on vessels arriving after January 10, 2015. Full story
  • 2015 Leadership Development Program Class Announced

    Dec 09, 2014

    LITTLE ROCK, AR -- Members of the 2015 Rice Leadership Development Program class were announced yesterday during the annual Rice Awards Luncheon at the 2014 USA Rice Outlook Conference. The class is comprised of five rice producers and two industry-related professionals selected by a committee of agribusiness leaders. Full story
  • USA Rice Outlook Conference -- Day Two

    Dec 09, 2014

    LITTLE ROCK, AR -- Today's general session opened with a briefing by USA Rice Federation Vice President of Marketing and Communications Michael Klein on consumer group research conducted earlier this year and how USA Rice is putting that research to work by translating what people told us into effective messaging. Full story
  • 2014 Rice Award Winners Recognized at Annual Awards Luncheon

    Dec 08, 2014

    LITTLE ROCK, AR- - Winners of the 2014 Rice Awards were announced today at a luncheon in their honor. Awards are presented in the categories of farmer, industry and lifetime achievement. This year's winners are Fred Zaunbrecher, farmer of the year, Kent McKenzie, rice industry award winner and Marvin Baden, rice lifetime achievement award winner. Full story
  • Arkansas Welcomes 2014 USA Rice Outlook Conference

    Dec 08, 2014

    LITTLE ROCK, AR -- The 2014 USA Rice Outlook Conference opened last night, bringing together rice producers from all six major rice-growing states and others from the U.S. industry for an educational program and trade show. The annual conference is the largest rice convention held in the United States Full story
  • USA Rice Congratulates Winners of "Healthy Brown Rice on the Menu Contest"

    Dec 05, 2014

    ARLINGTON, VA -- The USA Rice Federation has announced the winners of its annual "Healthy Brown Rice on the Menu Contest" for K-12 school menu planners. Participants in the contest were asked to prepare a healthy, flavorful brown rice dish from three recipe categories-rice bowl, breakfast, and lunch. Full story
  • USA Rice Family Grows

    Dec 05, 2014

    ARLINGTON, VA -- The USA Rice Federation has confirmed that Sarah Moran, manager of international promotion, and her husband, John, have welcomed a future rice consumer into the world. Full story
  • Little Rock Restaurant Promotion

    Dec 04, 2014

    ARLINGTON, VA -- Fifteen restaurants that serve U.S.-grown rice will participate in the USA Rice Federation restaurant promotion conducted in conjunction with the 2014 USA Rice Outlook Conference in Little Rock. Restaurants included on the list will welcome industry members by displaying the "Proudly Supporting America's Rice Farmers" emblem and featuring rice dishes on their menus. Full story
  • Countdown to 2014 USA Rice Outlook Conference in Little Rock

    Dec 03, 2014

    ARLINGTON, VA -- This weekend the 2014 USA Rice Outlook Conference takes over the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock, Arkansas. The annual conference is the largest rice convention held in the United States featuring a trade show, speakers, and interactive learning sessions on many aspects of the rice industry. Full story
  • USTR Appeals WTO October COOL Rule

    Dec 02, 2014

    WASHINGTON, DC -- Last Friday, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) filed an appeal to the World Trade Organization's (WTO) October ruling that the U.S. Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) rule was a violation of United States' WTO obligations. This means that the WTO's appellate body has 60 days to report on the appeal and, based on the outcome of that report, WTO arbitration could begin as early as April 2015 if the United States remains out of compliance and Canada and Mexico continue to seek trade retaliation. Full story
  • Taiwan Opens Market for U.S. Long Grain Rice

    Dec 02, 2014

    TAIPEI, TAIWAN -- The American Institute of Taiwan's Agricultural Affairs Office reported that Taiwan authorities have lifted the longstanding ban on U.S. long grain rice. Taiwan imposed an import ban on U.S. long grain rice immediately after the LibertyLink® incident in August 2006. Since then, the issue has been raised in several bilateral engagements by the U.S. side, both technically and under the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement annual meetings. Full story
  • USA Rice Offers Assessment of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments

    Dec 01, 2014

    ARLINGTON, VA -- At the request of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the USA Rice Federation recently submitted information to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Pollinator Health Task Force on the value of a class of seed treatments used on rice seeds. The seed treatment in question is neonicotinoids, a class of insecticides introduced two decades ago and adopted by farmers around the world because of their effectiveness in controlling harmful and destructive crop pests. Full story
  • In Memory: Sonny Martin

    Dec 01, 2014

    USA Rice extends condolences to the family and friends of Marlin O. "Sonny" Martin, 73, of Bernie, MO, who passed away on November 26. Full story

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