• Map of Central America & northern tier of South America Trade Talks Scheduled With Ecuador

    Mar 06, 2020

    As negotiations with the UK and Japan ramp up, another country on the radar for trade talks with the U.S. is Ecuador, where rice is a staple. Discussions are primarily aimed at encouraging Ecuador’s move away from socialism and expanding commercial ties. Full story
  • Three boys with their arms around each others shoulders sit in front of plate of homemade sushi STEM Competition Adds An “R” for Rice

    Mar 05, 2020

    Students from the Charles E. Smith (CES) Jewish Day School recently got their brains in high gear for an academic competition that married U.S. rice and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Full story
  • White rice inside red heart shape spilling onto wooden plank USA Rice Looks to Reshape Washington’s Food Aid Dialog

    Mar 04, 2020

    USA Rice spent most of February working to reinvigorate the agriculture and food aid conversation in the Nation’s capital, starting out by hosting a meeting of Washington’s coalition of organizations that support U.S. commodity-based food aid. The groups share a common interest of maintaining and strengthening what is referred to as “in-kind” food aid. Full story
  • Woman wearing red shirt stands in exhibit booth in front of children gathered around spinning Rice Wheel The Wonderful Everyday at 2020 Farm & Gin Show

    Mar 03, 2020

    The 68th annual Mid-South Farm & Gin Show is a wrap! The event brings together more than 20,000 attendees eager to see the newest technologies, equipment, machinery, industry leaders, educational seminars, giveaways and freebies, and, of course, the Rice Wheel. Full story
  • USDA-NASS Logo World Market Price Group Meets at Conclusion of GAC

    Mar 02, 2020

    Following last week’s USA Rice Government Affairs Conference, the USA Rice World Market Price Subcommittee met in Washington, DC, with representatives from several USDA agencies. Full story
  • Head shot of FSA Administrator Richard Fordyce in front of US & USDA flags ARC and PLC Program March 16 Deadline Approaches

    Mar 02, 2020

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is encouraging producers to enroll in the Agriculture Risk (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs before the March 16 deadline for the crop year 2019. Full story
  • B/W vintage photo of rice stacks in a field, man wearing vest, bowtie, flat cap, and watch fob stands with his arm resting on stack in foreground USDA-NASS Kicks Off 2020 Growing Season: Your Survey Responses Are Needed

    Feb 28, 2020

    As the 2020 crop production season begins, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will contact producers nationwide to determine their plans for the upcoming growing season. Full story
  • Group of business men stand on sidewalk outside US Capitol USA Rice Members Make Advocacy Personal with Meetings on Capitol Hill

    Feb 27, 2020

    USA Rice’s Government Affairs Conference wrapped up today after four days of meetings in and around the nation’s capital. More than 100 members from all six rice-producing states took part in more than 70 meetings with Senators, Representatives, their staffs, and members of the Trump Administration. Full story
  • Two men wearing business suits hold framed photo of combines in a rice field; blue curtain background with U.S. flag USDA Trade Champion Bob Spitzer Honored with 2020 USA Rice Industry Award

    Feb 26, 2020

    In a Government Affairs Conference meeting yesterday between rice industry leaders and government trade officials, USA Rice honored Bob Spitzer, career civil servant now at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), with the 2020 USA Rice Industry Award. Full story
  • A woman and two men wearing business suits stand talking in front of hotel desk Ag Negotiator Highlights 2020 Game Plan on Trade

    Feb 25, 2020

    Chief U.S. ag negotiator Ambassador Gregg Doud kicked off the 2020 Government Affairs Conference yesterday afternoon with remarks that energized the more than 100 rice industry representatives here from across the country ready to fan out for meetings with Members of Congress and agency offices. Full story
  • Group shot of people wearing fluorescent vests and hard hats at Arbuckle Reservoir TX Rice Leadership Development Graduates Makes the Connection

    Feb 24, 2020

    The Rice Leadership Development Program’s Class of 2018/20 graduated from the prestigious program during a special ceremony at the USA Rice 2020 Government Affairs Conference today. Full story
  • Microscopic view of coronavirus, blue/green sphere with red tentacles Coronavirus (Covid-19) Disrupts USA Rice Promotion Programs in China

    Feb 21, 2020

    The next scheduled promotional event in China is the SIAL trade show on May 13-15, and so far the organizers have not announced any plans to postpone, cancel, or take other actions that would affect staging of the show. To date, this coronavirus outbreak has not affected USA Rice promotion programs in other countries in Asia. Full story
  • Woman gives slide presentation to crowd of people seated around tables USA Rice Meets with Growers in Louisiana and Mississippi

    Feb 20, 2020

    Between harvest and planting season is another season in rice country – Meeting Season. There is no shortage of meetings being scheduled during this time in an attempt to catch rice farmers before they begin working on a new crop, and this winter has been no exception. Full story
  • Man stands at podium addressing people seated in a Capitol Hill meeting room with big windows, gilt sconces & chandaliers Farmers for a Sustainable Future

    Feb 19, 2020

    Today, USA Rice joined with 21 trade groups representing millions of farmers and ranchers on Capitol Hill to launch Farmers for a Sustainable Future (FSF), a coalition committed to environmental and economic sustainability. Full story
  • Two men in business suits shake hands while another businessman looks on, US and Iraq flags flank them Discussions with Iraqi Grain Board Smooth the Way for U.S. Rice Trade

    Feb 18, 2020

    Over the weekend, USA Rice and U.S. Wheat Associates hosted a seminar for officials from the Grain Board of Iraq to discuss sampling procedures and tender processes. This seminar was proposed as a follow-up to an Iraqi reverse trade mission to Louisiana, Kansas, and Washington, DC, last fall. Full story
  • USA-Rice-Booth-at-Gulfood-Show, group of men stand at table examining rice samples in small blue bowls USA Rice Goes Big at Annual Gulfood Show

    Feb 18, 2020

    The annual Gulfood show, the world's largest food, beverage, and hospitality exhibition, is going on this week, and traders and foodservice professionals from all over the world, but especially from the Middle East and Africa, are there. Several USA Rice members are participating in the trade show. Full story
  • Thought bubble on blue background with text:  Consistency is Key USA Rice Helps Resolve Issues with Costa Rican Testing Protocols

    Feb 14, 2020

    In recent years there have been several shipments held up at port in Costa Rica due to consistency issues with chemical residue testing on rough rice. USA Rice began working with USDA and USTR last fall to help address the inconsistencies with their government counterparts in Costa Rica to alleviate the problem. Full story
  • American Society of Agronomy logo Sustainability Webinar Series Continues Next Tuesday

    Feb 13, 2020

    A webinar series focused on the impressive sustainability record of the U.S. rice industry continues next Tuesday, February 18, at 12:00 noon EST. The third in the four-part series, the new webinar is titled, “Seeking Net Neutral: Energy Efficiency in the U.S. Rice Industry.” Full story
  • MS-AR Check-Off Logo-200213 Arkansas State Report Upbeat Despite 2019 Challenges

    Feb 13, 2020

    At this year’s annual meeting of the Arkansas Rice Research and Promotion Board (ARRPB), USA Rice President & CEO Betsy Ward reflected on the challenges the U.S. rice industry faced in 2019, and reported on the important role USA Rice plays in Washington fighting for sound policies, and advocating for U.S.-grown rice in markets here and around the world. Full story
  • Hound dog with white chest and droopy brown ears in front of flags of US and US Dept of Homeland Security Funding for Ag Inspections at U.S. Borders in Budget Pipeline

    Feb 12, 2020

    The “Protecting America’s Food and Agriculture Act of 2019,” also known as the Ag Inspectors Bill, passed the House with bipartisan support by voice vote on Monday. This bill aims to improve agricultural inspections at American borders by authorizing new funding for U.S. Customs and Border Protection to hire additional agriculture specialists. Full story

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