• Bowl filled with rice and colorful veggies sits on table with blue napkin, silver fork, glass of water Plant-Based Movement: From Trendy to Mainstream

    Jan 17, 2020

    Plant-based is a broad term that today indicates expanding one’s diet to include plant-based proteins in place of meat, think the no-meat Whopper from Burger King. Rice, and more specifically, U.S.-grown rice, marries seamlessly into the philosophy, though proponents need to be reminded why. Full story
  • Young Asian woman walking in a mall holds multiple, colorful shopping bags and a cellphone FAS Leads Information Sessions on E-Commerce in China

    Jan 16, 2020

    Late last week the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) hosted two informational sessions on the opportunities, requirements, and challenges of e-commerce in China. Full story
  • USMCA gears decorated like flags of US, Mexico, and Canada Senate Passes USMCA

    Jan 16, 2020

    Today, the U.S. Senate passed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) by an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote of 89-10. The U.S. House of Representatives passed the agreement on December 19 by a vote of 385-41. Full story
  • Man and woman dressed in business clothes stand outside in White House security line USA Rice Chair On-Hand for Signing of China Trade Deal, Phase One

    Jan 15, 2020

    “USA Rice was thrilled to be invited to today’s signing of Phase One of the new trade agreement with China,” said USA Rice Chair Charley Mathews, Jr. “China has long been on our radar and we believe their growing population and dietary preferences present a great opportunity for our farmers.” Full story
  • LSU Coach Joe Orgeron holds gold championship trophy while team members look on Rooting for Rice

    Jan 14, 2020

    It was a sure bet that the Tigers would win last night’s College Football Playoff National Championship. The question was which Tigers, the ones from Louisiana State University or those from Clemson? And the answer is: the Rice Ones! Full story
  • DUR cover page with closeup of rice bowl on left and mature rice plant in field on right Domestic Usage Report Gets a Makeover

    Jan 13, 2020

    USA Rice released the annual U.S. Rice Domestic Usage Report (DUR) today, tracking shipments and consumption of U.S. milled rice from August 2017 to July 2018. Full story
  • 2020 in red with first 0 as a crystal ball Rice Legislative Priorities in a Divided, Distracted Congress

    Jan 10, 2020

    Members of Congress returned to Washington this week to officially kick off the second session of the 116th Congress. While progress and outcomes will undoubtedly slow down the closer we get to November elections, and potentially sooner, progress could be made on some key rice industry issues. Full story
  • Woman stands across a table and shakes her finger at woman with back to camera wearing a green Think Rice shirt Rice Truck Road Trip Provides Realtime Consumer Insight

    Jan 09, 2020

    The Rice Truck road trip may have ended but the journey isn’t over as USA Rice continues to reap real rewards from the consumer market data garnered with each rice cooker giveaway event. In total, nearly 3,000 database cards were collected throughout the 2019 tour which, combined with the batch from last year’s tour, swells the consumer sample size to more than 6,000. Full story
  • B/W photo of people riding on a wooden roller coaster U.S. Rice Exports Up in 2019, Likely to Increase Again in 2020

    Jan 08, 2020

    Trade policy in 2019 felt like a roller coaster, but the numbers show that U.S. rice exports coasted to an increase over 2018 sales. While 2019 census data is one month short of completion, data though 11 months shows a boost over the 12-month total for 2018. Full story
  • Johnny Carson as Carnac the Magnificent wearing jeweled turban, holding envelope in one hand 2020: The Year of Rice?

    Jan 07, 2020

    After a thorough review of culinary predictions for the upcoming year, USA Rice has compiled a list of 2019 highlights to build on and 2020 culinary trends that present a huge opportunity for U.S.-grown rice. Full story
  • B/W photo of two1920s flappers dancing on a skyscraper ledge Roaring into The 20s

    Jan 06, 2020

    It’s January, time for New Year’s resolutions! Whether or not we follow through on our personal goals, it’s reassuring to know that every year, the rice industry fulfills its resolution with flying colors: work hard, produce high quality, nutritious rice, and feed the world. Full story
  • "Goodbye 2019 Welcome 2020 written on memo pad surrounded by glittery buttons and beads Congress Ends 2019 on a High Note for Trade and Ag Funding

    Dec 20, 2019

    The first session of the 116th Congress is officially a wrap. To say that the happenings in Congress during 2019 have been interesting would be an understatement. But, two vital pieces of legislation made headway prior to Congress leaving Washington for the holiday break: USMCA and ag funding. Full story
  • Group of people standing among rice research plots in greenhouse USA Rice Hosts Chinese Importers on Tour through U.S. Rice Country

    Dec 20, 2019

    USA Rice hosted a group of seven Chinese importers for the past ten days, traveling with them through rice country in Arkansas, Louisiana, and California. The tour kicked off at the USA Rice Outlook Conference in Little Rock last week. Full story
  • Young, casually dressed Asian man stands in front of wood fence A Sup-RICE-ing Winner in This Year’s Video Contest

    Dec 19, 2019

    Kyle Voong, a senior at Brandon High School in Brandon, Mississippi, breaks down a comprehensive overview of rice’s role in both his home state and country in his award-winning National Rice Month scholarship video, “A Sup-rice-ing Presentation.” Full story
  • Older white man with white hair talks to younger man with his back to the camera Some Guys Have All the Luck

    Dec 19, 2019

    Rice Truck winner Randy McNeil, owner of Poinsett Rice & Grain, plans to use the truck as a family vehicle and keep the Think Rice wrap on, at least for a while. He’s worked in the rice industry for 40 years, and in a town like Jonesboro, Arkansas, the rice truck will simultaneously stand out and fit right in. Full story
  • Hands with purple painted nails holds open book with EU and UK flags and text:  "Post-Brexit Changes" Optimism Growing Around New U.S. Rice Access into the UK

    Dec 18, 2019

    USA Rice participated in a series of meetings in Europe this week to kick-off discussions regarding post-Brexit rice trade between the U.S. and the United Kingdom (UK). Much of what happens with the U.S. and UK negotiations will be dependent upon the direction talks take with the EU. Full story
  • Two men talk and shake hands during award presentation Rice Industry Leaders Awarded for Superlative Stewardship Practices

    Dec 17, 2019

    Each year the U.S. rice industry singles out leaders in conservation and sustainability, and showcases their stewardship efforts in preserving wildlife habitat and efficient use of natural resources. Full story
  • Agrilectric Power Plant at Lake Charles LA Sustainability’s Present Catches Up to Rice Industry’s Past

    Dec 17, 2019

    “While sustainability seems to be a new initiative in many industries, the U.S. rice industry has been at it for some time,” said Jennifer James, an Arkansas rice farmer and chair of the USA Rice Sustainability Committee. Full story
  • Group shot of people sitting around conference room table Japanese Government Checks-In on Rice Purchasing Progress

    Dec 16, 2019

    Last Friday, USA Rice welcomed representatives from Japan’s Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), and the Embassy of Japan to the Arlington office to discuss Japan’s 2019 crop production and consumption estimates. Full story
  • USTR Robert Lighthizer stands behind President Donald Trump in Oval Office China Announces U.S.-grown Rice Included in Phase I Purchases

    Dec 13, 2019

    President Trump and U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador Lighthizer announced that after months of negotiations and work, an agreement in principle has been reached between the U.S. and China on trade. Full story

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