• Calling NAFTA Negotiations to Continue Past Congressional Deadline

    May 17, 2018

    Today is an important date for those who want a “NAFTA 2.0” or a modernized North American Free Trade Agreement. May 17 is the date that House Speaker Paul Ryan has said is the deadline for the President to inform Congress of his intent to sign a new NAFTA in order for the current Congress to consider and vote on the new agreement. Full story
  • USA Rice Joins Kraft Heinz to Rise Against Hunger

    May 16, 2018

    More than 150 food and ag people representing trade associations, hunger relief organizations, and the House and Senate Agriculture Committees, worked the line yesterday at the 3rd Annual Kraft Heinz Rise Against Hunger meal packaging event. The packaged meals consisted of rice, and a rice and soy blend mixture fortified with Kraft Heinz Micronutrient Sprinkles. Full story
  • Winner Joe Morris Jr (left) and Ground Breaker owner James Neumeister Beer Made with Rice Wins Gluten-Free Homebrewing Competition

    May 15, 2018

    The winner of the first annual PNW (Pacific Northwest) Gluten-Free Homebrewing Competition is a beer made with rice: Dad's Red Ale, an American Amber Ale brewed by Joe Morris from Portland, Oregon. Full story
  • Ag Eyes Turn to House Floor as Farm Bill Moves This Week

    May 14, 2018

    House Agriculture Committee Chairman Michael Conaway (R-TX) is scheduled to bring the 2018 Farm Bill to the House floor this week for debate and a vot, and ag groups are eyeing dozens of potential amendments that could bolster or derail the massive bill. Full story
  • USA Rice Takes Aim at Rice Pretenders

    May 11, 2018

    The rice pretender war is heating up this spring as USA Rice is registering formal complaints and offering recommended fixes to purveyors of what the trade group terms “rice pretenders.” Full story
  • Final answer? U.S. Calls Out India for Rice, Wheat Subsidies

    May 10, 2018

    Last week, in an action long called for by USA Rice, USTR has asked the WTO Committee on Agriculture to examine India’s market price supports for rice and wheat producers. Detailed analysis of India’s programs submitted by the U.S. government show rice supports are nearly eight times the level, as a percentage of the value of production, allowed under WTO rules. Full story
  • Post TPP: Laying Groundwork for New Trade Relationship with Japan

    May 10, 2018

    USA Rice participated in a meeting here yesterday with David Boling, Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) for Japan and U.S. Department of Agriculture embassy staff, along with several other agricultural commodity groups, to discuss the trading relationship between the U.S. and Japan. Full story
  • WASDE Report Released

    May 10, 2018

    The 2018/19 outlook for U.S. rice is for higher supplies, exports, domestic use, and ending stocks. U.S. all rice production is projected at 203.2 million cwt, up 14 percent from the previous year, primarily on a larger expected long grain crop. Total rice supplies are projected to increase 5 percent to 263.5 million cwt, mainly on long grain. Full story
  • It LSU AgCenter Field Day Calendar

    May 09, 2018

    The LSU AgCenter will hold a series of field days to help rice farmers learn about the latest recommended practices to improve their crop production. Experts will make presentations on variety development, fertility, growing soybeans, and controlling problems of diseases, insects, and weeds. Full story
  • Not a secret any more Chefs See Rice Flour as a Secret Ingredient to Make Everything Better

    May 08, 2018

    Trends show that both in the restaurant and at home, chefs are increasingly using rice flour to fry foods. Substituting rice flour for wheat flour in practically any fried food is a refreshing alternative that is weightless, crispy, and tender. Full story
  • Stay with it Arkansas Planting Report: On and Off, and Finally On Again

    May 07, 2018

    Every farmer knows the tried but true saying: “The only thing predictable about the weather, is that it’s unpredictable.” And here in Arkansas, that statement is just as true for 2018 as it has been in years past. Full story
  • Another stop on the journey - packaging company JonPac Inc. Rice Leadership Program Session I: Follow the Grain

    May 04, 2018

    As a California rice farmer I plant my seed, harvest the rice, and sell it. That’s my workflow in a rice hull - I work within the rice industry. The Rice Leadership Development Program asks us to consider how rice farmers can I help represent, advocate, and elevate the industry as a whole? Full story
  • Look at all the life California Rice Country: Plants, and Birds, and Rocks, and Things

    May 03, 2018

    Earlier this week, USA Rice’s Josh Hankins and Sarah Moran met with California Rice Commission (CRC) staff and observed rice planting in the second largest rice producing state. Full story
  • Without struggle there is no progress Progress Needed on Korea Rice Access

    May 03, 2018

    The United States and Korea recently reached agreement in several trade areas, but a long-standing rice dispute remains. The two countries agreed to modify certain terms of the U.S.-Korea free trade agreement, commonly known as KORUS, at the request of the United States. Full story
  • Arkansas Rice Leaders, Ag Industry Meet with USDA Under Secretary Bill Northey

    May 02, 2018

    U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agriculture Services Bill Northey met with Arkansas government and agriculture leaders here yesterday and then traveled to Stuttgart to meet with producers and rice industry representatives. Full story
  • Brown-Thune Introduce Bill to Boost ARC by Slashing PLC

    May 01, 2018

    Last week, Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and John Thune (R-SD) introduced marker legislation intended to influence the direction of the Senate Farm Bill, and the rice industry is concerned that the Senators appear to be using a program that works well for rice to pay for their new approach. Full story
  • Kim Gallagher and her pal Comet plan their day Focus on the Farmer Series Continues

    Apr 30, 2018

    USA Rice is producing a monthly Facebook feature to bring attention to the folks who help put U.S.-grown rice on America’s plates - and to let them tell the real story of food production in their own words. This month our “Focus on the Farmer” shines the spotlight on Kim Gallagher who grew up on a farm in California’s western Sacramento Valley but took a circuitous route to becoming a farmer. Full story
  • Louisiana Planting Report: Deciding Weather It’s Spring or Not

    Apr 27, 2018

    Most of the rice in southwest Louisiana went into the ground during a two-week interval when we had warmer weather and dry soil. When most of that rice emerged in mid-March, the weather conditions became cool and slowed crop development down considerably. Full story
  • Photo of Jack Webb Science News: The Difference Between Factoids and Facts

    Apr 26, 2018

    Members of the scientific, communications, and academic fields gathered at Johns Hopkins University last week to address issues of miscommunication among scientists, media, consumers, politicians, and the public. The panel, hosted by the National Communication Association, discussed ways these problems might be addressed, emphasizing transparency and public outreach. Full story
  • Definitely room for U.S. rice on these Beijing market shelves USA Rice Delegation in China Presses for Imports to Begin

    Apr 25, 2018

    Leaders from USA Rice were in China last week to deliver a simple message – nearly 30 U.S. facilities have completed China’s extensive food safety questionnaires and it’s now time for Chinese officials to schedule an inspection visit, the next step in fulfilling the promise of U.S. market access when the two countries signed a phytosanitary protocol for U.S. milled rice last July. Full story

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