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  • Information and resources on how to export U.S. rice.
  • USA Rice Enterprise Partners The newest membership category at USA Rice, Enterprise Partners, are those …
  • Prospective Plantings Expected plantings as of March 1 for rice by length of grain classes; report also …
  • Government Affairs Policies
  • Market Year Average Price Tracker This USA Rice-developed tool helps project and track the Market Year …
  • Canada shares the world’s longest international border with the United States and is a top market for …
  • Accumulated Weekly Millings
  • The 2019 international session will be held in Italy October 19-26. The focus of the session will be …
  • Evaluation of New Technologies for Red Rice Control Red rice is a destructive weed that costs rice producers …
  • Enhancement of Breeding for Jasmine-Type Aromatic Rice Varieties for the United States A significant …
  • Simpler Less Expensive Method of Analysis of Inorganic As (iAs) in Rice Prior to this study, determining …
  • Association between Rice Consumption and Selected Indicators of Dietary and Nutritional Status The …
  • Many researchers have examined rice management practices and the ecology of wildlife in rice fields …
  • The Rice Foundation's Voluntary Dues Challenge is a multilevel schedule of support options designed to …
  • Your comments and inquiries are welcome. Please complete the form below and we will respond as soon …
  • May 10, 2018

    The 2018/19 outlook for U.S. rice is for higher supplies, exports, domestic use, and ending stocks. …
  • May 10, 2018

    USA Rice participated in a meeting here yesterday with David Boling, Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative …
  • May 10, 2018

    Last week, in an action long called for by USA Rice, USTR has asked the WTO Committee on Agriculture …
  • Download Recommendation Form Download the leadership recommendation form and complete …
  • Download Application Form Download the leadership application form and complete electronically. …

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