Establish and maintain wildlife habitat continuity by providing early successional, naturally occurring vegetation in ditches and ditch bank borders.


This enhancement is to encourage the establishment of early successional, naturally occurring vegetation in ditches, side slope and bank borders to provide cover, critical nesting and brood rearing habitat as well as filtering overland flow and improving water quality. Ditches perform the critical function of removing water from agricultural lands. Allowing naturally occurring vegetation to develop along ditches, including side slopes,
banks and borders, will help provide food and cover for wildlife while enhancing aquatic habitat and improving water quality. Ditches and ditch borders provide a foundation that supports a diverse wildlife community including Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) and other birds preferring early successional cover. Rabbits, furbearers, amphibians and many other species that inhabit agriculture areas will use this vegetative cover. These areas can also provide critical nesting habitat for the Mottled Duck (Anas fulvigula).

Additional NRCS practice information can be found here

CSP Deadlines can be found on the state websites:
Arkansas CSP
California CSP
Louisiana CSP
Mississippi CSP
Missouri CSP
Texas CSP

County NRCS Office
