USA Rice supports the use of sound science to evaluate new and existing crop protection tools and for evaluating whether and under what circumstances, a biological entity is threatened or endangered. 

Being good stewards of the land includes being good stewards of crop protection tools available for controlling damaging weeds, insects, and disease by using a variety of products and crop rotation to prevent resistance. Effective resistance management relies on the availability of crop protection options that give farmers the ability to not overuse a single product. 

Recent News

  • FDA round table discussion in Mississippi, group seated around large wooden table covered with papers Rice Matters at FDA Discussion

    Nov 09, 2018

    Last week the Mississippi Farm Bureau hosted Dr. Stephen Ostroff, deputy commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for an agricultural roundtable to discuss a range of recent FDA regulations. Full story
  • Louisiana Miller Named to USDA Grain Inspection Advisory Committee

    Jul 23, 2018

    John L. Morgan, a vice president of Supreme Rice Mill in Crowley, Louisiana, was named today by U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to serve a two-year term on the Federal Grain Inspection Service’s (FGIS) Grain Inspection Advisory Committee beginning July 1, 2018. Full story
  • FDA Decision to Begin Enforcing Milk Definition Could Benefit Rice

    Jul 23, 2018

    U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb announced on Tuesday that his agency will be reconsidering the way it enforces the standard of identity (SOI) for milk when it comes to non-dairy beverages. The development has significant implications for other foods engaged in identity battles, notably rice, which has been crying foul on what it calls “rice pretenders” such as riced cauliflower for more than one year. Full story