USA Rice supports the use of sound science to evaluate new and existing crop protection tools and for evaluating whether and under what circumstances, a biological entity is threatened or endangered. 

Being good stewards of the land includes being good stewards of crop protection tools available for controlling damaging weeds, insects, and disease by using a variety of products and crop rotation to prevent resistance. Effective resistance management relies on the availability of crop protection options that give farmers the ability to not overuse a single product. 

Recent News

  • GA-Rice-Grading-at-RiceTec-160322 Federal Rice Grading Standards Up for Review

    Mar 22, 2016

    This week USA Rice submitted comments for the five-year review of United States Standards for Rough Rice, Brown Rice for Processing, and Milled Rice. The standards are maintained by the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) and facilitate the marketing of rice in foreign and domestic trade, and provide a uniform measure of quality by providing a common language to describe commodity attributes for U.S. producers, exporters, and their customers. Full story
  • 2016-mo-rice-conference, group of men stand around USA Rice booth Large Turnout at Annual Missouri Rice Conference

    Feb 18, 2016

    More than one hundred rice farmers gathered here yesterday for the 2016 Missouri Rice Conference. This was the first time the conference has been held in Malden and the new location drew a lot of new faces, including many young farmers interested in growing rice. Full story
  • John Owen CME Seeks Rice Industry Response to Rough Rice Futures Contract Survey

    Feb 11, 2016

    The CME Group based here that oversees the trading of the Rough Rice Futures contract has published a short, two-question survey for rice industry members to complete by Monday, February 22. Full story