USA Rice Lets the Trade do the Talking in the UK

Nov 29, 2016
Trade talks
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LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM – USA Rice has launched a print media campaign here using the UK trade itself to endorse the virtues of U.S.-grown rice in the UK.  The campaign features four branded and five generic spokespeople and covers all areas of the UK trade from wholesalers, importers, and millers, as well as key members of the restaurant trade to communicate the qualities of U.S. rice and build around the critical message of consistency.

“This is the first time our new brand, Double 8, has been involved with USA Rice in the UK and the benefits this collaboration brings are exciting” said Olive Chafer, Director of Riceworks in the UK.  “It will be interesting to see how the testimonial will help drive interest and hopefully further sales of our Double 8 brand.”

Daniel Wo, Director of a leading Oriental foods supplier also took part in the campaign with the China Chef brand of U.S. long grain rice, and said, “This is the first time we’ve been involved with the USA Rice Federation and its marketing efforts in the UK.  We’re hoping to see a sales lift from this campaign”  

The campaign, that includes print and online editions of the magazines with a circulation of nearly 70,000, will continue running until the end of the year to include the Christmas holiday and the all-important build up to Chinese New Year celebrations.

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