• IP.w-Secy-Perdue-at-FAS-event-in-Canada-170607 Ag Leaders Meet with Secretary Perdue on Critical FAS Programs

    Jun 07, 2017

    Twelve members of the U.S. Agricultural Export Development Council (USAEDC) representing a broad cross-section of agricultural groups met yesterday with Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue to discuss the future of USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) programs. President Trump's 2018 budget completely eliminates funding for the Market Access Program (MAP) and Foreign Market Development (FMD). Full story
  • DP.w-Confused-Shopper-170606 Health Survey Shows Consumer Confusion, But Bright Spots for Rice

    Jun 06, 2017

    According to the International Food Information Council Foundation’s 12th Annual Food and Health Survey, food information overload is having a detrimental effect on decisions Americans make when it comes to diet and health, however, there’s good news for rice in some areas. Full story
  • IP.w-Mexico-Market-Share-on-the-Upswing,-Los-Canarios-170605 Mexico Market Share on the Upswing

    Jun 05, 2017

    U.S. rice exports to Mexico in the first four months of 2017 are up an impressive 23 percent over last year, bringing the U.S. market share to 93 percent, the highest since 2013. According to official Government of Mexico (GOM) sources, total U.S. rice exports to Mexico were 354,000 MT while third country exports were down nearly 60 percent, at 25,000 MT. Full story
  • IP-Magnificent Seven bar scene-170602 U.S. Rice on the Menu in Japan

    Jun 02, 2017

    Interest continues to grow in both foodservice and retail sectors in Japan for U.S. rice due to a number of factors, including versatility and price. Full story
  • Crawford Keeps Cuba Conversations on Course

    Jun 01, 2017

    Arkansas Congressman Rick Crawford, long a leader advocating for changing course on U.S.-Cuba policy has previously introduced legislation to help normalize trade relations between the countries. Despite his efforts, and the support of the U.S. rice industry, earlier legislation has not advanced. Crawford is now pushing for a compromise solution he struck with Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) that will keep the discussion about Cuba moving forward. Full story
  • Rep-Clay-Higgins-with Fred Zaunbrecher in front of red combine Congressman Clay Higgins Tours Louisiana Rice Country

    Jun 01, 2017

    Yesterday, USA Rice staff from Louisiana organized a tour of the Louisiana rice industry for Congressman Clay Higgins. Higgins was accompanied by in-state and Washington, DC staff because he felt it was important for him and his staff to learn first-hand about Louisiana rice. In his introductory comments, Higgins said, "I'm interested in serving Louisiana and what I don't know, I'm willing to learn." Full story
  • Help Us Honor Rice Industry Leaders

    May 31, 2017

    Would you like to recognize someone who has devoted his or her life to bettering the rice industry? You can do so through the 2017 Rice Awards program, sponsored by Rice Farming magazine along with Horizon Ag and USA Rice. Full story
  • IP.w-Middle-East-Ramadan-Promotions,-billboard-170531 Ramadan Kareem

    May 31, 2017

    During the Holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast during the day. After sundown, they partake in large family feasts that feature rice-heavy traditional Arabic dishes. Rice consumption in the Muslim world always spikes during the observance, which is why USA Rice steps up promotions to increase awareness prior to the start of the holiday. This year, USA Rice partnered with local U.S. rice brands here to spread both the messages and the costs. Full story
  • Iraq Makes First Purchase of U.S. Rice under the U.S.-Iraq Memorandum of Understanding

    May 30, 2017

    With help from a last minute, full-court press by USA Rice involving Congress, the U.S. Embassy, and high-level State Department and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) officials, Iraq made its first-ever purchase of U.S. rice under the U.S. – Iraq Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This sale will help U.S. rice exporters gain a foothold in the Iraqi market, and heightens prospects for new sales in the future. Full story
  • Turkish Retailer Shares the Bill with USA Rice for Promotions

    May 26, 2017

    A major Turkish retailer, Uyum Hypermarket, recently joined forces with USA Rice to promote U.S.-grown rice here with a cost-sharing marketing program. The campaign, that included retail displays at one of their busiest hypermarkets, was conducted in the run up to the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, that this year begins today and ends on June 24. Full story
  • LA-Rice-Day,-Rep-Terry-Brown-& Farm Leaders stand in group near bank of elevators "Rice Day" Celebrated During Louisiana Legislative Session

    May 25, 2017

    Yesterday, Louisiana rice farmers and millers spent the day here celebrating "Louisiana Rice Day at the Capitol” to highlight the economic importance of the Louisiana rice industry to the state economy, and the environmental and cultural benefits to its citizens. Full story
  • Conservation Programs Take a Hit in Trump Budget

    May 24, 2017

    President Trump’s $4.1 trillion budget has received a rough reception from the agriculture community since it appears to gut programs important to his core ag-based constituency and leans disproportionately heavily on agriculture to find “savings.” As the onion is further peeled, more draconian cuts to conservation programs are coming to light. Full story
  • GA.w-Trump-Budget,-fighters Trump Budget Declares War on Agriculture

    May 23, 2017

    President Trump released his detailed, $4.1 trillion federal budget today, and while every area of the federal government except defense and infrastructure saw cuts, the cuts to agriculture and rural areas are disproportionately severe by anyone’s standards. Full story
  • Exports to UK at Ten Year All-Time High

    May 22, 2017

    The UK, the largest market for U.S. rice in the EU, has experienced an impressive 207 percent increase in all types of U.S. rice imports during the first 3 months of 2017 (over 10,000 MT valued at $5.4 million). This has been driven by a staggering 5,877 percent increase in parboiled long grain rice imports and a 515 percent increase in long grain imports. Full story
  • Disaster Aid Available through FSA Program

    May 19, 2017

    New guidance from USDA's RMA on Practical to Replant Provisions available. Full story
  • USDA RMA Promotes Practical to Replant Guidance Document

    May 19, 2017

    New guidance from USDA's RMA on Practical to Replant Provisions available. Full story
  • Global Rice Markets are Distorted by Bad Actors, Contributing to U.S. Trade Deficits USA Rice Testifies at Commerce Department

    May 18, 2017

    The Department of Commerce hosted a day-long hearing with witnesses from across the U.S. economy to examine reasons for bilateral deficits with 13 U.S. trading partners. USA Rice, participating in the agriculture panel, explained that while the U.S. rice industry generates a $1.2 billion trade surplus, “a majority of the countries being examined, including China, the European Union, India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Viet Nam intervene heavily in the rice market, and the result is restricted access for U.S. rice or unfair competition in foreign markets.” Full story
  • Rice Industry to Remain Vigilant as Trump Administration Makes NAFTA Renegotiation Official

    May 18, 2017

    The Trump Administration today formally notified the U.S. Congress of its intent to enter into negotiations with Mexico and Canada to “modernize” the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA. A letter from freshly-installed U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to Congressional leadership begins a mandated 90-day consultation with Congress before formal negotiations can begin. Additionally, U.S. law requires the President to provide detailed negotiating objectives 30 days prior to the start of negotiations. Full story
  • U.S Rice Production Estimates Drastically Reduced

    May 17, 2017

    USA Rice’s World Market Price Subcommittee met here yesterday to review with U.S. Department of Agriculture officials USDA’s first projections of global rice supply and demand statistics for 2017/2018, including world rice stocks, area and production estimates for the United States, and to review developments in key export markets. Severe flooding in the mid-south, in particular in Arkansas, the top rice producing state in the country, have forced the industry to drastically reduce estimates for the coming year. Full story
  • GA.w-Secretary-Perdue-Talks-Trade,-Farm-Bill-and-More-with-USA-Rice-170516 Secretary Perdue Talks Trade, Farm Bill, and More with USA Rice

    May 16, 2017

    Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue met with a delegation from USA Rice today in a wide-ranging discussion of industry priorities including trade, flooding in the mid-south, the upcoming Farm Bill, labor shortages in California, food aid, and the importance of rice research programs. Full story

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