• 2019 USA Rice Outlook Conference logo USA Rice Outlook Conference Registration Open

    Sep 05, 2019

    Registration for the USA Rice Outlook Conference, the largest rice-specific event in North America, opened this week. USA Rice is adding a great deal to the conference this year to ensure the event’s tagline, “If Rice is Your Business, This is Your Meeting,” holds true. Full story
  • Man in yellow and blue plaid shirt talks with woman wearing pink shirt & hat Technical Advances and Optimism on Display in California

    Sep 04, 2019

    USA Rice staff traveled to California last week for a three-day visit that included tours of farms and mills, meetings with members, and the California Rice Field Day. Full story
  • September National Rice Month Logo National Rice Month is Here at Last!

    Sep 03, 2019

    National Rice Month is here and there are going to be events and celebrations all month long! Full story
  • Rice bags with Japanese kanji on grocery shelf “American Food Fair” Promotion in China Endorses U.S. Rice

    Aug 30, 2019

    A new promotion, called “American Food Fair,” began here in late July and runs through August at AEON, a large Japanese-owned holding company comprised of upscale general merchandise stores with locations all over Asia. Full story
  • Maturing Arkansas rice field & irrigation ditch Harvest Times in Arkansas Sync Up with Mother Nature

    Aug 29, 2019

    Harvest is on the horizon for many Arkansas producers if the sun will stick around! Harvest for some was set to begin last week but was postponed due to another rainy spell. Full story
  • Graphic of hands pointing at various items like a purse, a shoe, flowers, a box, all superimposed on a blue background with a world map Consumer Behavior Unmasked at Outlook Conference

    Aug 28, 2019

    Building on last year’s popular session, “The Future of Retail,” USA Rice has added a can’t miss session to this year’s Outlook Conference that will look at grocery shopper trends. In “Customers Also Viewed This: Unpacking Consumer Retail Behavior,” David Fikes, with the Food Marketing Institute, will present a trend report that builds on more than four decades of research into customer attitudes and practices. Full story
  • Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shakes hands with US President Donald Trump, both men wearing business suits, seated in front of backdrop reading Biarritz 2019 Rice Industry Awaiting Details on Partial Ag Deal with Japan

    Aug 27, 2019

    This past weekend, reports emerged regarding a Japan-U.S. trade deal covering agriculture, automobiles, and digital trade. Initial reports indicate that rice was left out of this deal. While Japan imports more than $200 million of U.S. rice, much of that rice does not reach the Japanese consumer due to Japan’s import policies and anticompetitive practices. Full story
  • Young girl with unicorn headband stands in ripened, yellow rice field Texas Crop Report: Late and Getting Later

    Aug 26, 2019

    TX – When you talk with Texas rice farmers they almost all say the same thing about the 2019 crop – it got started late and never caught up. Full story
  • 2019 Field Days topographical map shows locations throughout Arkansas, Mississippi, and Missouri marked with red flags Having a Field Day at August Field Days

    Aug 23, 2019

    USA Rice staff participated in field days across the Delta during August, catching up with a wide cross section of the industry based in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Missouri. Next week USA Rice staff is headed to California to attend their field day on August 28. Full story
  • Several people inspect polypipe irrigation in green rice field Risk Management Agency Does Their Research on Rice

    Aug 22, 2019

    This week, staff from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) toured Arkansas to talk with rice farmers and see irrigation methods like alternate wetting and drying (AWD) and furrow irrigated (or row) rice firsthand. RMA is actively working to provide crop insurance coverage for these two irrigation methods. Full story
  • Colorful straws made out of rice sticking out of a wooden cylinder The Last Straw, Made of Rice, May Be the Most Ecological

    Aug 21, 2019

    Everyone is looking for ways to decrease single-use plastic consumption, and disposable plastic straws have become a lightning rod in the worldwide effort to reduce plastic waste. Recently, scientists and manufacturers have turned to a new revolutionary material that could make single-use plastics in the foodservice industry obsolete: rice. Full story
  • Large green combine harvesting in golden rice field, man and young boy walk nearby Louisiana Rice Farmers Look for a Silver Lining for 2019

    Aug 20, 2019

    Rice harvest in Louisiana has been going on for a few weeks now, with some growers having just gotten started, and some just wrapping up. All in all, this was a more difficult year than anyone anticipated -- a sentiment growers there all agree on. Full story
  • Rice bags stacked to ceiling in warehouse, workers transport more bags using dolly Vietnamese Officials Visit USA Rice to Talk Trade

    Aug 19, 2019

    The president of the Viet Nam Food Association (VFA), Viet Nam’s Minister Counselor of Trade from their embassy here, and other staff visited USA Rice earlier this month to discuss developments in rice production and trading activities. Full story
  • Two photos of meals made with rice: burgers and salad Consumer Campaign Yields Historic Results for USA Rice

    Aug 16, 2019

    Last September, USA Rice partnered with The FeedFeed agency, the largest and most engaged digital cooking community, to conduct a year-long campaign with goals to drive mass awareness and celebrate U.S.-grown rice that generated more than 31.6 million consumer impressions and 430,000 engagements. Full story
  • 2017-NRM-Facebook-Ad-stick figure shooting video without-NRM-logo Earn Money the Rice Way

    Aug 15, 2019

    If you’re thinking about how to pay for college next year -- Think Rice -- because the National Rice Month (NRM) Scholarship video contest is here. And it’s easy to participate! Full story
  • Child wearing Santa hat sits at a table writing on a tablet, Christmas lights in the background China Policy Changes Announced Again

    Aug 14, 2019

    In this era of fast-paced trade policy actions, the Trump Administration and the U.S. Trade Representative recently announced a new round of tariffs on Chinese products due to take effect September 1, 2019. The 10 percent tariff, if imposed, includes rough rice, which joins brown, milled, parboiled, and broken rice which are currently subject to a 25 percent tariff imposed in May. Full story
  • Lots of people gathered in a rice field next to trucks pulling trailers with more people on board More August Rice Field Days

    Aug 13, 2019

    Mark your calendar and plan to attend the event in your area. Full story
  • Group of men, most wearing jeans and plaid shirts, stand in rice field with their backs to the camera Comparing Notes – A California Farmer in Arkansas Rice Country

    Aug 12, 2019

    USA Rice Board of Directors Chair Charley Mathews, Jr., visited Arkansas rice country last week to meet with growers, merchants, and millers to discuss issues impacting the rice industry. Mathews has been growing rice in California since 1991 and last had an extensive tour of Arkansas rice country as a member of the 1993 Rice Foundation Leadership class. Full story
  • Man wearing glasses & dark business suit, laughing USA Rice COO Bob Cummings Retires

    Aug 09, 2019

    Thursday evening, USA Rice staff celebrated Bob Cummings, who is retiring from USA Rice after 20 years. His experience and dedication to the job will be sorely missed but we certainly wish him all the best in his much deserved retirement. Full story
  • Group of Chinese people line up to taste test rice from four rice cookers on a table U.S. Rice Develops Trade Relations Amid Trade Tensions

    Aug 08, 2019

    USA Rice hosted two trade seminars in Shanghai and Shenzhen over the last week utilizing Agricultural Trade Promotion and Emerging Markets Program funding from the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) with more than 100 total participants. Full story

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