• Colombia Chef Tour in Miami 2017, Chef takes selfie at grocery store meat counter Colombia Chef Tour in Miami Cut Short by Hurricane Irma

    Oct 10, 2017

    Earlier this summer, USA Rice held professional chef competitions in Bogota, Barranquilla, and Cali, Colombia where hundreds of chefs competed to claim first prize. The top winners from each city recently traveled here to participate in a hotel, restaurant, and institutional (HRI) tour that included a stop at Florida International University’s Restaurant Management Program where they received an overview of HRI trends in America, with an emphasis on U.S. rice. Full story
  • Steve-Linscombe,-LSU-image, Steve in rice field talking & gesturing Steve Linscombe New Director of The Rice Foundation

    Oct 10, 2017

    Dr. Steve Linscombe recently retired from the Louisiana State University Rice Research Center after 35 years of service but he’s certainly not retiring from the U.S. rice industry because, as of October 1, Steve is the new director of The Rice Foundation. Full story
  • USA Rice Visits Sun Valley for Farm Group Photo-in front of combine-171006 USA Rice Brings Foodservice Farm & Mill Tours to California

    Oct 06, 2017

    Last week, Sun Valley Rice Company and USA Rice hosted two full days of farm and mill tours for foodservice professionals including food writers, registered dieticians, collegiate and professional sports nutritionists, representatives from Aramark, and chefs from the Aperium Hotel Group. Full story
  • Dracula saying NO gif-171005 Will Anything Ever Satisfy Farm Critics? No

    Oct 05, 2017

    For decades, agriculture’s adversaries have said “no” to almost any policy that helped farmers. Full story
  • Combine in Rice Field during Harvest Farm Policy Critics Gather

    Oct 05, 2017

    Groups from both sides of the political aisle met yesterday to discuss how they can collectively attack the next Farm Bill when it is introduced. Full story
  • 2017-NRM-Facebook-Ad-stick figure shooting video without-NRM-logo National Rice Month Scholarship Contest — Flex Your Creative Muscles!

    Oct 04, 2017

    To enter the annual National Rice Month (NRM) Scholarship contest high school graduating students who live in rice-growing states -- Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas -- are asked to use visual storytelling to promote U.S.-grown rice by producing a three-minute video. Full story
  • Eye on China

    Oct 03, 2017

    China, the world’s largest producer and consumer of rice, is focused on increasing its already large share of rice cultivation and exports. In 2016/17, China’s milled rice exports nearly tripled from the previous year driven by large shipments to many African countries on commercial terms as well as for donations. Ending stocks are forecast to increase to 6.1 million tons to 75.53 million tons (milled rice basis) more than 52 percent of annual usage and about 13 times the size of the projected 2017 U.S. rice harvest. Full story
  • LA-NRM-Proclamation, Richard Fontenot speaking from podium on Capitol steps Louisiana Rice Industry Donates Truckload of Rice to Food Bank

    Oct 02, 2017

    Louisiana rice growers wrapped up the month-long celebration of National Rice Month by donating a truckload of rice to the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank (GBRFB). Representatives of the state’s rice industry gathered on the steps of the state capital building to present the donation, in conjunction with National Hunger Awareness Month. Full story
  • LA-Farm-Bill-Listening-Session 2017, Scott Franklin talking with legislators Louisiana Farmer Represents U.S. Rice Industry at Farm Bill Listening Session

    Oct 02, 2017

    Last Friday, more than 200 farmers and stakeholders weighed in on their priorities at a 2018 Farm Bill Listening Session hosted by Congressman Ralph Abraham (R-LA) that included three panels of industry leaders from government, farming, and related industries. Full story
  • Chef at Turkey Trade Show preparing rice dish U.S. Rice Exhibits and Makes an Impression at Turkey’s Largest Food Show

    Sep 29, 2017

    Last week, during the Istanbul World Food Exhibition, one of Turkey’s largest food and beverage expos targeting foodservice and deli operators, USA Rice showcased U.S. medium grain and wild rice for the more than 35,000 traders on hand. Full story
  • Attendees at Foodex Japan USA Rice Seeks Increased Funding for Export Programs

    Sep 28, 2017

    USA Rice joined 150 members of the Coalition to Promote U.S. Agricultural Exports this week in signing a letter to leaders of the House Committee on Agriculture, asking them to increase funding for U.S. Department of Agriculture Export programs in the upcoming Farm Bill. Full story
  • LA Farmer Christian Richard in front of combine Louisiana Farmer Garners National Recognition for Conservation and Stewardship

    Sep 27, 2017

    Coinciding with September National Rice Month, Louisiana rice farmer Christian Richard is being recognized by Field to Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture as their Farmer Spotlight Honoree for his commitment to conservation and stewardship. Full story
  • Three Rice-Award-Winners stand in front of 2016 Outlook step and repeat USA Rice Annual Awards Luncheon Packs a Punch

    Sep 26, 2017

    The annual USA Rice Outlook Conference is the largest rice gathering in North America, and while innovative programming and exciting speakers always fill the two-day event, a highlight for many is the inspiring annual Rice Awards Luncheon, set this year for Monday, December 11, at noon. Full story
  • WTO Flag USA Rice Meets with WTO Delegations Ahead of Ministerial

    Sep 25, 2017

    The World Trade Organization (WTO) has been out of the news for a while. Bickering between developing and developed countries over who should cut tariffs and farm subsidies more, and divisions over compliance and enforcement of existing WTO trade rules have all but stopped negotiating progress among the 164 members. Full story
  • GA.w-Rep-Jim-McGovern-170922 U.S. Agriculture’s Role Vital to International Peace Process

    Sep 22, 2017

    Earlier this week, USA Rice staff attended the quarterly Agribusiness Club luncheon here featuring Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA) who serves on the House Agriculture Committee and the House Rules Committee, and has been a longtime supporter of agriculture, championing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the International Food for Peace (FFP) program. Full story
  • GA-Perdue Exiting Blackhawk-170922 Ag Leadership Tours Texas Rice Country Post Harvey

    Sep 22, 2017

    Yesterday morning two Blackhawk helicopters landed in the field outside Rice Belt Warehouse and deposited Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue and House Ag Committee Chair Mike Conaway who were on an inspection tour surveying damage to crops and equipment as a result of Hurricane Harvey. Full story
  • LA-Rice-Cookoff, contestants holding rice cooker prizes 20th Annual Rice Cook Off Celebrates National Rice Month

    Sep 21, 2017

    Yesterday, the Calcasieu, Cameron & Beauregard Rice Growers Association and the Port of Lake Charles held their 20th Annual Louisiana Rice Cook Off contest to celebrate National Rice Month. The contest is held annually to promote the value the local rice industry plays in Southwest Louisiana, and to highlight the variety of healthy dishes that can be made with rice. Full story
  • DP.w-USA-Rice-Throws-Taste-Party-at-Local-HS-170921 USA Rice Throws Taste Party at Local High School

    Sep 21, 2017

    Today, USA Rice staff visited Rock Ridge High School in Loudoun County, Virginia, to host a “taste party” and celebrate National Rice Month (NRM). During the lunch event, USA Rice taught more than 300 students about the U.S. rice industry and screened a short “Rice 101” film. Full story
  • Image of USA Rice NRM Retail Dietitian Newsletter USA Rice Retail Partnerships Result in Strong Consumer Outreach

    Sep 20, 2017

    In support of National Rice Month (NRM), USA Rice is working with retail dietitians to remind shoppers to Think Rice before, during, and after their shopping experience. By providing quality U.S. rice focused content to retail dietitians that can be incorporated into supermarket activities and communications, the partnerships have already yielded more than 10.3 million consumer impressions just halfway through the month. Full story
  • JD Alibaba Logos USA Rice Explores E-Commerce Potential in Chinese Market

    Sep 19, 2017

    While the U.S. rice industry anxiously awaits entry into the Chinese market, USA Rice is reaching out to various importers and sellers of rice in the e-commerce business there. E-commerce is a huge platform in China; last year, there were USD$744 billion in ecommerce sales, a 40 percent increase from the prior year. Alibaba controls about 60 percent of that market – the next largest company is JD.com with a 25 percent share. Full story

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