Treasury and State Departments Tighten Restrictions on Cuba Relations

Trump-in-Cuba-standing in front of podium with Trump/Pence sign
Closing the door on Cuba
Nov 08, 2017
WASHINGTON, DC – The other shoe dropped on U.S.-Cuba relations today when the U.S. Treasury Department released follow-up guidance to President Trump’s June announcement that he would be tightening sanctions and travel restrictions on Cuba.

The policy roll backs, including a State Department list of 180 hotels, stores, and businesses Americans are no longer allowed to visit, are being officially announced tomorrow in an attempt to ensure economic activity is channeled away from the Cuban military, intelligence, and security services.

New travel restrictions are also being announced, including a tightening of “people-to-people” outreach and educational and cultural exchange groups.

“This is a move in the absolute wrong direction for our interests and those of Cubans who need and want to buy our rice,” said Betsy Ward, USA Rice president and CEO.  “This news, coupled with the recent expulsion from the U.S. of Cuban embassy staff who were quite helpful to U.S. rice, is disheartening.”