A serving of Peachy Breakfast Rice on a cafeteria tray.

Peachy Breakfast Rice

Peachy Rice is a hearty, cold weather breakfast entrée that is filling and warm. Using rice where oatmeal might typically be used offers a variation from the norm and is another way to help your students meet the grain requirement.

This recipe stars U.S.-grown brown rice and comes to us from Chef Diane Grodek of USA Rice’s K-12 Chef Advisory Board.

  • Servings
  • Serving Size
    ½ cup


  • 1 lb, 9 oz brown rice
  • 4 cups milk
  • 8 tbsp honey
  • 3 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 12 oz peaches - canned and drained


  • Steam the rice until fully cooked and tender.
  • While the rice is cooking warm the milk on low heat and whisk in the honey, and vanilla. Add the cinnamon and salt to the warm milk, whisk to combine then remove from heat.
  • Chop the peaches into small dice.
  • Put the cooked rice in a large pot on the stove stop on medium low heat. Slowly add the warm milk mixture to the rice a little at a time.
  • Continually mix the rice with the milk, the mixture should be at a low simmer.
  • Simmer while adding milk for about 15 minutes, slowly mixing the rice with the goal of making a starchy creamy mixture with the milk.
  • Once the rice is creamy, fold in the chopped peaches.
  • Serve the rice warm with a garnish of a sprinkle of cinnamon, or a little honey on top.

Recipe Notes

1 #8 scoop for 1 wgr count

2 #8 scoops for 2 wgr count